Happy Birthday Mom……

Had my mom not passed away last year, today would have been her 73rd birthday.   Yet although she entered into her great reward then, we had lost who she really was to Alzheimer’s quite some time before that.  She was sometimes in (although never filly in) and often out, but through it all she was always able to read her books and still gave small glimpses to her sharp sense of humor.

And of course, much of mine came from her.  She was “quick witted” as they say, and when you combine that DNA with the demented Tirman line, it makes a pretty great mix.  I feel sorry for my kids, as all that has now fermented and is pretty refined…..but if they have any complaints, they can wait and tell her themselves when they get to heaven.  I am enjoying myself and am thankful for it.

But tonight I miss my mom.  We had an often rocky relationship, but then again, I did with just about everyone.  I will say she did dedicate her life to her children, and I am sure it was hard for her to not be able to enjoy all her grandchildren.  That was really all she aspired to do when she retired….the Alzheimer’s just accelerated all that up and she never really fulfilled what she wanted to.

But I am thankful for all she did for me.  And if heaven is a perfect place she is up there listening to my two snake-sisters who are already there talking trash about me and drinking top-shelf margaritas.  At least that’s what I hope.  (yes, I love my sisters too….we are all comedians)

But here’s to you mom!  Happy Birthday and I love you.  And I will save all the Inspector Clouseau references for when I arrive for my drinks….but hopefully not any time too soon.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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