Dead Dog Tired……

No, he’s not dead, but he sure makes it hard to tell a lot of the time.  He still takes and picks Ben up from school with me everyday, so as long as the words “car” or “cookie” are mentioned, he is up and around.  But when he wants to call it a day, or an hour, or a minute, or anything, he just gives it up….regardless of where he is.  And tonight’s picture is of him in Ben’s room, where he has scooted his bed up right in front of the fan and where he and either his rabbit or his squirrel (here it is the rabbit) lounge their way through the night commandeering all the air.

But as I saw it, it reminded me of how every tired we all are from our “quick trip” to Missouri yesterday.  Amanda and Ben got to sleep in the car, Ben all the way, Amanda only part.  But then we were all up at 6am and starting the day……all of us, even me.  So getting through today was challenging at times, and getting to the end of the day couldn’t get here quick enough.

But now that we are here, I must cut this short because if I do not, tomorrow will be awful.  We however have no regrets.  Sometimes staying up a long time is well worth it.

That is, unless you are our dog.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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