Da look…….

Yeah, he’s not happy with me all the time, but then again, who is?  This was one of the pictures taken just before surprising Stephanie on her birthday.  I do not remember what I said to get this look, but it probably had something to do with following the rules.  Unfortunately for him, I do not respond to his looks with anything other than laughter.  My wife’s on the other hand are quite another story……..

My look however is legendary to both Steph and Scott.  As a guy who never gets to sit in church with his kids, the look was always an effective way to get them both to straighten up, and do so immediately.  Ben still seems a bit immune to it, Steph always behaves now in front of me, and Scotty has mentioned in his letters from boot camp that he now both gets it and appreciates it.  (I am sure his Drill Instructors have their looks too!)

My wife however will not respond to the look at all.  Of course I am NEVER upset with her anyway, she is just absolutely perfect, (and I am sorry to not say more honey, but your handwriting is hard to read without my glasses).  I am not complaining though, because I know all married guys feel exactly the same as I do!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this awesome picture.  And I wanted to make sure it was just Ben.  Amanda and Steph’s “looks” would be too scary to share.  And I want to continue to be family-friendly in the things that I post.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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