Yeah, that was easy……not!!

I got the idea at Staples.  I do not normally buy paper there as it is too expensive, but they were also selling “Easy” buttons, so I thought I would try.  You see Ben is now 5 and when you fly it doesn’t matter is you are 5 or 55, you have to pay for a full fare ticket……so I was fitting him for a box to ship him to California.

And he was more than willing to try it out…..AND he almost fit, but after trying to get the lid on himself for 5 minutes we decided to just let him fly with us.  And besides, he want to sit next to his sister and she would never agree to fly in that box…..the cat maybe, the sister never.  And even the cat might balk at the plane.
But it was fun to watch.  At 5 he thinks he can do anything, and really the thing he does the most is entertain me.  I cannot believe the stupid stuff he tries and he seems so very serious about doing it.  He actually used this box, and stole a few others from my office and made a new house….not in his room but in MINE…..complete with a chimney and an American flag that looked surprising like the orange Sharpie marker that had been on my desk.  
He has quite an imagination……I just wish it counted for more…….like for a credit for airfare for our trip to see his brother!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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