
On a day of such tragedy in Connecticut  I must confess that I couldn’t get to Ben’s school fast enough to pick him up.  I eyed everyone as I thought something like this could happen anywhere.  All those parents just dropped their children off at school this morning thinking it all would be okay, and now their lives are changed forever…..they all deserve our prayers.

Yet the blessing for me was not only to get Ben in my car and get out of there, but to come home to greet our daughter Stephanie who has come home for Christmas break.  Yes, I worry about her too.  As for Scotty, who we will see next week, I am sure a guy like this shooter wouldn’t even get through the gate of the base dressed like he was, but if he did make it in all those Marines, my son included, would have shown him a time.  This is to say, I am not too worried about the US Marine Corps.

But tonight we went out for the drink I could not have 10 days ago with Steph in Missouri, as I was on medication.  So I bought her a drink and we toasted her….AND it was awesome.

Yet we were together and they were safe, but my mind drifted off often to those who are not.  And as prayed for them, I was also thankful for my children and their safety here at home.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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