No butchers, just bakers, no candlestick makers…..

Yes today was “baking day,” and Amanda and Cindy have been at it ALL DAY.  It is an annual tradition, although this was a first for Amanda and Cindy.  They are naturals at just about anything together though and seem to be having a blast.  It is not really a guy thing though, so I am staying clear!!

But EVERYTHING they are making is not on my list of food to eat.  I HAVE sampled, but I will do better to stay away from it tomorrow.  Ben has already been cut off, and Steph has also sampled, but is very disciplined.  It is a smorgasbord however of tasty goodness.

It used to be that Steph and all of her peeps would join Amanda for this bake-fest, but with them now all over the country it seems that my wife needs to do something new.  I will confess, it is kind of cool to see her here doing this with Cindy.  They are pretty great friends (Cindy is who Ben formerly labeled as his “babysitter,” but she is really his other mom) and being close in age, they could do this all the time and keep me and Jamie her husband (okay and the kids too) in treats long past when I die.  It really puts a lot of stability into the model, and what the hey….they will be friends the rest of their lives anyway.  It seems a good fit.

But in all honesty, I have been just getting a lot of work done and have been kind of lonely if you want to know the truth.  NO….I do NOT want to bake.  But they are just laughing and carrying on and I am WORKING.  (Thank God for Oreo Balls or I would be hostile)

But tonight I am just thankful for good friends and for the ability for us to have them in our lives.  My wife needed this day, and I would be no help at all.  And baking day seems a lot less hectic with all the girls in their mid 20’s like Amanda and Cindy (yep, earning brownie points).  I am just happy they are having fun and look forward to hearing all about it tonight before we go to bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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