Funky Down……

Yeah, that’s ME in my high school senior picture….now you know why I am thankful to be married….

All and all, it has been a day of which I have just survived and I am thankful it is at its end.  I have had a rough go from start to finish, and in all honesty I cannot say why.  Perhaps the closing of the Hostess plants is finally catching up to me, I do not know.

But in all honesty, I am at a loss.  I have a headache, and am grouchy, and probably seem and look mad.  Sure, the Bears lost today, and sure I watched a lot of it, but that is far from a reason to feel this way as the Bears do this all the time and I am just feeling like this today.

But things could be worse.  The reality of my life could really be like this, and I would be stuck living with it.  I am just thankful that all this appears to be an anomaly and I look forward to feeling “normal” (a relative term here) sometime soon.

On the upside, these next two days should go quickly and San Diego and Scotty are within sight.  We are ALL looking forward to that too.  I just want to get out of this funk and enjoy it.

So it is off to bed for me!  Perhaps a good night’s sleep will help……at least it is the plan!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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