Attending St. Patrick’s Annual Ornament Exchange…….

Tonight we attended St. Patrick’s annual ornament exchange, normally scheduled on a Friday night, but this time scheduled for a Monday to accommodate the Tirman family who will be out of town for some “US Marine Corps Graduation” this Friday.  AND… was a marvelous time!

The highlight, I mean besides all the great food and wine, is the ornament exchange itself.  We all draw numbers as we have all brought an ornament.  And when your number is called you can either pick an ornament (they are wrapped) off the table or take one that someone else has already picked.  It is FUN and FUNNY when people start taking the picked boxes and bags, yet this year was probably the least antagonistic gathering we have ever had……BUT it was a blast.

The folks at St. Patrick’s are such great people and we enjoy being with them very much.  It is always a great time.  These socials are good for us all, yet despite being social in nature, they take place among some pretty dedicated Christian people……dedicated Christians who gather once a year to enjoy a passive aggressive ornament exchange!!!

I wouldn’t miss it…..and this year, once again, I didn’t!  It was a real blessing, and thanks to Mike and Joan Prystas for hosting it this year at their home!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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