I’ll have the usual……….

Yes, despite KNOWING that we are leaving for San Diego in the morning, we did what we usually do…..we cram way too much into the day before traveling.  And this time it was a doozy.

The picture is of my wife, who didn’t just have her hair done today, but also had a facial.  Steph and I dropped off and picked up a car at the dealer for a recall service, but we did so AFTER I got back from Fort Wayne, which is 100 miles away.  We also then went to shop and meet Amanda for dinner, no not anywhere near our house, but in Carmel…..40 miles away.  And we are exhausted, not completely packed, but in our hearts at least ready to go see Scotty for the first time as a US Marine.

Oh it will be worth it too!  We have been counting down the days.  Sure, San Diego we hear is beautiful, but that’s not why we are there.  We haven’t seen Scotty since September 24th and in two short days we will see him in person!  It is so exciting I cannot stand it!

But for now I/we will call it a night.  We are all up later than we had hoped, and are still further behind than we planned.  It is not what we were thinking, but it is the usual.  We go with what we know, and tomorrow we will take that philosophy across the country to see Scotty in CA!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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