Gambling….no, not really……

Oh do NOT WORRY.  Sure, we are IN San Diego now after a long day, but despite sharing that publicly we are not too concerned.  Our home is SECURE.  Not only do we have alarms and a BIG DOG, but we also have a few Marines on duty there……what could be better?  And in a few days we will be bringing home our own to take leave for a short week or so before heading back to California.

But we are glad to be here, despite the busy-ness and the stress of the day.  We had a LONG flight into Las Vegas and that is where the picture is from.  Steph and I both lost ONE DOLLAR on a slot machine at the AIRPORT.  We just wanted to say that we did, and now we can.

So now we are in our hotel, and trying to adjust to the time.  It is 3 hours different from home and everyone is feeling it.  We will SEE Scotty tomorrow from 1-6 for ON BASE leave.  Friday, after his graduation at 10, he gets to leave base with us and is on total leave for 10 days.  We will hang out and eat before flying him home on Saturday.  I will be posting some pictures!!

But for now we are just glad to be here and settled in.  Going home will be the harder adjustment, but we are looking forward to that too….I more than most.  California is always a culture shock to me, and not one that always makes me all that comfortable.  I will be fine on base, but I have not really ever been too far or often off the farm as they say.   I will be happy to get home for Christmas and with all of us.

But for now I can say that I have “been to Vegas” and gambled big with my daughter….all in the airport 20 feet from our gate.  Sure it is not as glamorous as it could be, but it is big for me.  Tomorrow however will be bigger……and nothing could please me more.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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