Family Day with PFC Scott Tirman…….

WOW….this was one of the best days of our life!  We got to finally see and hug Scotty at his base in San Diego.  He looks different, he acts different, and he is different…..BUT he is still very much Scott.  It was a GREAT TIME!

I had posted via Twitter to Facebook, but the picture never made it through.  So here is one of all of us tonight.  Scotty is now back in barracks and we will return early in the morning to see him graduate and then take him home!  We can hardly wait.  He was not allowed to leave base today, but we had 5 hours with him.  It was awesome.

He has been promoted already to Private First Class and will return for 10 day leave and then it will be extended for 21 more days for him to work with the recruiter in Noblesville recruiting students at the high school.  And the best part is that he will be AT HOME!  Beyond that, I will let him share, but he is very excited about everything.  We have been very blessed.

But our biggest blessing today was to see him in person.  It has really lifted our spirits and has made every bit of missing him and worrying about him worthwhile.  And tomorrow should be even better!!  Keep us in your prayers, we are not used to being this happy!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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