Home, home at last……..

Well I tried my best to
post this from somewhere over the US, but despite having paid to get on the
Southwest WIFI, I found that it was Google who wanted to text me to verify my
identity……not a possibility on an airplane. 
But I am still writing on
the plane and will cut and paste it into the site when we get home.  We have a lot to do when we get there
and I still have to work in the morning, so doing it now is a better idea.
Of course, I will not
complain.  We have our Marine on
the plane and will be so very happy to get him home.  He wants to be there as well.  He is excited about it, but probably more excited about
seeing his dog more than anything. 
It’s too bad it will be dark, as I probably would have a million hits on
Youtube if I could post something. 
Those two lovebirds have missed each other, and although Scotty knows,
Viper has no idea he is heading there!!
So for tonight I will stop
for now.  We will have tons to do
when we land and I need a bit of rest. 
But Scotty will be at Church tomorrow in Noblesville at 9 and at both
Anderson and Noblesville on Christmas Eve.  (Anderson 5pm Noblesville 9pm)  He will be playing the music on both occasions in Noblesville.  Come see him (and us)!!!  He would love to see you!
Goodnight my friends and
God Bless from a very happy Marine Dad who is glad to have his son (A US
MARINE) home!

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