Yes ma’am…….

With all the “yes sirs” and “yes ma’ams” coming out of Scotty’s mouth lately, when my wife took tonight’s picture of me giving Scotty Communion at St. Patrick’s this morning and said “use THIS as your blog picture tonight,” all I could say was “yes ma’am.”  So here it is.

And what was even better was that I was delivering the sermon this morning there with my longtime friend Father Tony Bender, who I had assigned today as the Celebrant.  And what was cool about that was that Tony, Uncle Tony as my kids know him, was able to be a part. It made it all the better.  It was a great honor I will confess.

But more than anything, it was great to have Scotty back in Church.  He was going to try and play the music this morning, but since he had not done it in over three months, he decided to sit it out until Christmas Eve service where he will play at St. Patrick’s at 9:00 pm.  But he was home and it was great.  And everyone enjoyed seeing him.

But what was even greater was that Scotty was joined by John Crowmer, also a PFC and in the Army. John was home on leave as well.  And the other one in the picture with Tony and I is Lance Corporal David Crowmer, John’s brother who is also a US Marine.  ALL of them here for Christmas.  It was so great!

Anyway, I have done my duty.  No, it is far less strenuous than any of the men (including Uncle Tony who was in the Navy), but it will please my wife, which is important to me.But in all honesty, today was a great honor.

Welcome home boys!  Your service to our country is greatly appreciated, and your presence among us an honor!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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