He’s ready……..

It’s a little after 11:00pm here.  I had the privilege to Celebrate at two Church services tonight and to deliver the sermon at one.  And we are now home.  Ben is in his pajamas, and tonight’s picture is of him leaving the cookies out for Santa.  I am not sure how to read him, but he appears to be kind of happy.

As a kid, I remember this was the hardest night ever to go to sleep on.  Sure, not sleeping kept Santa away, but I was always too excited to go to sleep.  I experimented with counting sheep, counting backwards, forcing my eyes closed, reading boring things…..yet none of it ever worked.  I can see Ben is going to be the same.

But I will admit, it is funny to watch.  I do not have any of the services tomorrow, so I can spend the entire day with him and his brother and sister….and of course my wife.  It should be a great time.  I am just glad to see this long day at its end.  Unlike him, I will not have a problem getting to sleep.  For I find that the older I get the less sheep I need.

It’s a good thing too…….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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