Lost, but not yet found……

I was kind of wondering why I wasn’t all that busy today.  Apparently I have lost my phone, which generally means I have put it on silent, and cannot hear it ring.  But I am not too worried about it and will find it tomorrow.  Tonight I am just relaxing.

Tonight’s picture(s) are of Scotty and Viper in my (new to me) truck.  After years of driving around that little Matrix and hating it, we finally decided to trade it in on a truck.  The truck is still a Toyota and 3 years older than the car, but did I mention it was a truck?  Scotty and Viper LOVE it, which means a lot to me AND it has a “temporary” Marine Dad plate now on the front until the one that matches Amanda’s Marine Mom plate arrives next week.  (you can make it out if you strain)

But somehow I think the subject of tonight’s post was really not this, but in the photos of my phone.  Not that I can remember what is on it….I don’t.  So this will have to suffice, but heck, it is a post with it all…..trucks, dogs, Marines…it really couldn’t get too much better.

Today however was busy.  The snow gave our snow blower a lot of overtime.  TWO times on our drive (one for me and one for Scott) and then Scotty also did the drive next door.  They have five kids and the husband is deployed in Afghanistan.  He was more than happy to do it.

But it is now late and at least I AM tired.  That California Marine hasn’t seen much snow, but this will make a dent.  It was a pretty great time to see him out there doing what we remember him doing all the time….after all, this is Indiana.

So it is off to bed now for me.  Scotty and I are now sharing a vehicle (it’s a truck) and I hope he needs it tomorrow.

After all, I need some time to find my phone.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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