The Open House…….

It seems as we had just done this, but in fact it has been over three months.  But tonight we had an Open House for PFC Scotty Tirman, and a lot of people came to join in, including quite a few Marines and another PFC from the US Army as well.  It was a great time!!

I do have pictures of it, and I suppose I will post them sometime soon, as being able to see all of them was a great treat for us all.  But what was really funny was Ben, who was holding court all through the night with whoever will listen.  I made a “joke” about him going to the hotel and spending the night with his grandma, and not only did that little snake hop right on it, but his grandma did too!  And tonight’s picture is of them both getting ready to head out for their slumber party.

But besides that, it was a high honor to host so many of our nation’s heroes in one place.  I KNOW we do not do enough for our men and women in uniform, yet they do so very much for us.  Our home will always be open to them and our hearts as well.

On Monday, two of them will return to their duty stations.  It is doubtful that this group will all be home together again at the same time.  But tonight I thank God for each and every one of them.  It was a blessing to have them here with us.  And they will remain in our prayers as they head off faithfully to defend our freedom.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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