Those who serve…..from St. Pat’s…..

At the Open House yesterday I had the opportunity to photograph three young men who have all grown up together in the same church and who all happen to have served or are serving our country as well.  And the funny thing is that they come from a parish that seems to just produce guys like this….St. Patrick’s.

So anyway, this picture and another like it, will grace the walls of St. Patrick’s Church to remind those who enter it of those who have knelt there before them, yet who have chose to leave them to serve.  We have had Marines, Army, Air Force, and National Guard in just our short six year history.  Two of these men have deployed, one to Afghanistan (USMC Lance Corporal David Crowmer on the right) and another not pictured in the National Guard to Iraq).  It has been an honor being their priest, and I believe their witness will allow St. Patrick’s to continue to produce some fine young servicemen and women.

But for now I will just post and call it a night.  It has been an unbelievably busy few weeks and I am up early tomorrow to help finish them out.  But I am thankful for all these fine young men and women who choose to serve.  Keep them, and our country, in your prayers…..I know I will.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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