Finishing well……

Yes, he is 5, and he wants something ANYTIME you go anywhere, but tonight it was hard to deny him, as clothes, particularly a suit for a 5 year old does not seem that selfish.  And a suit was exactly what he wanted, and more than that, it was on SALE for 50% off.  He got it, and the only real problem we had was all the crying we encountered when he discovered he could not wear it home.

And of course during his prayers tonight before bed, he brought it up again, asking God to have his mommy and daddy let him wear his suit tomorrow.  With nothing open, I am afraid that God may let him down, as we generally do not do “formal” at home.  But both his brother and sister were sent this picture and who knows where they may decide to take him.

But he certainly has finished the year well…..and with a new suit.  Yet it has been a much harder finish for me.  Scotty, although currently here, no longer lives here.  He is a US Marine and will live where they tell him.  I am proud of him, but I will miss him.  I know this because this is Steph’s 3rd year away and I miss her terribly…..and although she too is here right now, her coming home for summers and breaks are never a guarantee.  And I have personally struggled with much this year as well……yet I am hoping and praying to put ALL of this behind me.

Like Ben, I just want to finish tonight well.  Yes, he is in bed and none of us will make it to midnight.  (Steph and Scotty are out and probably will though).  2012 is just one I will be thankful to get behind me.  2013 I pray will be different.  I do not believe in luck, but 13 is my favorite number, a number I often wore in sports, and my daughter’s number as an NCAA lacrosse player.  I like that because it feels right….but as I said, there is no such thing as luck.

But for now I will just end this well…..willing to put it behind me, and filled with the hope of a good year and an optimistic attitude.

My prayers for 2013 will indeed be the same for you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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