Happy New Year…….

Yes, this picture was taken LAST YEAR, although just only about 24 hours ago at the Mexican restaurant we were eating at.  Steph and Scott were out being YOUNG, and Amanda and I were out with Ben for dinner being PARENTS. Apparently in Indiana you cannot abandon a 5 year old child to fend for himself and go out for dinner with your wife…..so we took him along!!

But it was a great way to end 2012 and to enter into 2013.  We had just left Kohls where we purchased his new SUIT, and tonight as I type this, he, Stephanie and Scott are out for dinner with Ben FINALLY getting to wear it.  I will be honest…..HE DROVE US NUTS about wearing it ALL last night and ALL DAY today!!  So there is really no better solution than to send him out with his brother and sister so that they ALL have the opportunity to complain about what rotten parents we are…..of course not one of them complained when they asked for my credit card or the keys to my truck.

But at least New Year’s Day is almost done and we have all survived the drama…..Ben in his suit, all of them at some restaurant, and Amanda and I at home.

Life doesn’t get any better than this!  Happy New Year!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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