Escaping my wrath……..Happy 50th Steph!

The “Original” Stephanie Tirman

Yep, had she not died in 2001, my sister Stephanie (for whom my daughter is named and who had a very close relationship with her before she died) would have been 50!  And although she was truly the toughest and bravest soul I have ever known, she DIED in 2001, most probably to escape my 50th birthday WRATH that I would have dished out TODAY.  And I must share with YOU tonight as she is no doubt cowering (and perhaps laughing) drinking margaritas with my sister Sarah and my mom in heaven (the “home office” as we priests call it).

But in all honesty, I do not just miss my opportunity to harass her or Sarah on their birthdays, I miss the opportunities I had to harass them everyday!  Sure, we were typical siblings, always at each other’s throats, but when it came down to the bottom line, we always had the other’s back.  I would never admit it when I was young, but I loved them both fiercely.

So Happy 50th Birthday Steph! (you old hag!)  I am a bit let down I cannot say it to your face, but I know you would take it in stride.  I miss you, and Sarah, and mom, and our grandparents, but I suppose in time I will see you all soon enough.

Sarah, Mom (Kay), and Steph

As a bit of blog-ending advice…….take the time to pay attention to those you love in your lives and let them know how you feel.  This life is temporal, and there are no guarantees about tomorrow……I know because I live it.  And if I had even an hour more with either sister, I would gladly make the most of it.

But for now I will settle for the memories of two sisters in heaven, and one on this day who has escaped my wrath…..the big chicken!

Happy 50th Birthday Steph.  I love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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