
No, this is not a ghost-post, but it is one that gives me a bit of anxiety.  Scotty is here for two more weeks (and he has my new truck for two more weeks as well) BUT Steph is heading back to Missouri tomorrow.  AND we do not have any idea as to when we will all be together again!  This is to say, LIFE, real life, has started….and as a parent it kind of sucks!!

But it has been a lot of fun.  Steph was home for about a week before we headed to California to see Scotty graduate, and now Scotty will be home a bit before heading back to California and parts unknown.  Ben has enjoyed it ALL, and in all honesty, so have we.  We have GREAT KIDS, and it has been a blast to be with them.  I think we are beginning to understand why God blesses you with grandchildren sometime after this, as the feelings that you have as they leave are proud, but not fun (or ultimately what you want!)

But we had a great time with them all today.  Steph, Amanda, and I had a great chat this afternoon, and we are so very proud of her.  She has 1.5 years left of school (maybe 2 if lacrosse slows her down and maybe 7 if heredity does) but Lord knows what she will become or who she will become.  But we are firmly behind her.

Scotty is back to California in two weeks and then to North Carolina for I do not know how long.  Ben, who is clearly the most bizarre of the bunch seems the one with the most answers.  If we do not sell him to the gypsies (many of whom are just family) we will have under our wings until at least 2025 when he graduates (hopefully) from high school.  And that is roughly 7 years past when I had PLANNED to retire.  (But do not worry…I have messed that up anyhow)

So tonight it is a big BOOOOOO.  Steph is leaving and my life is changing.  Let’s just pray that it all turns out okay!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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