Times a-changin…….

Yes, these are the three same people.  In the middle is a great family friend, Marsha Dragoo, who also happened to be Steph and Scott’s (also pictured in both) piano teacher.  Steph was a delightful piano student, learning my favorite song “Canon in D” in order to earn a trip for us to Disneyworld which I promised if she’d learn it (we went).  And Scotty was a total pain in the tail as a piano student, for although he seems happy in the picture, delivered a very reluctant and angry 8 second rendition of “Penguin Blues,” and then went back to his seat.  He HATED lessons, but he LOVED (and still loves) Marsha.  Ironically, Steph rarely ever plays, while Scotty (who dropped out of lessons shortly after the picture was taken) plays often and well…..including for the very church Marsha and her husband Dave attend.  Go figure.

But as you can see, both of the kids have grown a bit.  Marsha is the same nice, kind and wonderful person she always has been.  Scotty, although smiling and goofing off, is a US Marine and could probably kill you many different ways with a piano (or anything else for all that matters).  And Steph is a top NCAA lacrosse player, a defender who you would probably not like seeing come at you (she often plays in what looks like war paint).  But I will mention again……at least Marsha is still nice!!

But it was a fun thing to take the picture.  I think Marsha is the same height, so I am making an educated guess in saying the kids have grown just a wee bit.  Yet, it was cool to take, and perhaps we can trick Marsha out of retirement someday to deal with Mr. Ben…..after all it is tradition for her to deal with hopeless causes like our children.

Yes, Steph as an exclusive Tirman student

Steph is now back in Missouri and we will see her in a few months.  Ben goes back to school tomorrow.  Scotty, I think is still working for the recruiter in Noblesville for two more weeks before heading back to California.  And Amanda and I are just hanging out trying to stay ahead of it all.

But I did want to share the pictures.  Times are a-changin, and they make us smile. We have great kids and great friends…..and today was yet another reminder of the many blessings we have in our lives.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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