I just didn’t know it, but in our family I am often the last to know.  But tonight on the way to Amanda’s work in order to pick her up (we are letting Scotty drive my truck as he is working for 11 more days with the recruiter) Ben shared some big news……  tomorrow, and by that I mean tomorrow, he told me we are getting a kitten and a puppy!

Apparently, according to Ben, our almost 9 year old dog and our already 9 year old cat need to experience the joys of parenthood.  Viper will raise the puppy, who we will call Max (it is a boy) and Puddy will raise the kitten, who we will also call Puddy, and the kitten will be a girl.

Of course I found this conversation far more fascinating than last week when he told me he was secretly playing football in Indianapolis for the Colts.  I was pretty sure that one wasn’t true, as we probably would have had to send a note to the school for him missing class for practices.  But this one was pretty good.  It was detailed and passionate.  It was, he reminded me, going to happen….tomorrow.  So I asked the question……..

“So does your mom know about this?”

“Well, no”…..and then the “buts”………

So I pushed it by saying, “you know mommy would not ever let you do that.”  And then asked, “do you want to get rid of her so you can have the puppy and kitten?”  And to my surprise he said a resounding “No.”  (good man!)

But then he said the biggest of all news……..”Daddy, we can send her to jail and get the pets, because at least in jail I can visit her.”

We will see what he does, but I changed the litter box tonight just in case…….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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