Our night out with the twins……

Yes, tonight we were finally able to go out with both Scotty and Ben together.  We went to the Mexican restaurant in downtown Anderson, which has just recently changed its name.  Our very familiar waiters all looked a lot different now in white shirts and ties, but the food was great, the company was great, and it is ALWAYS great to take an occasional hiatus on the diet…..particularly there.

And Ben and Scott were in rare form.  They are just alike in so many ways and generally harass each other through ANY meal, but always when we are out.  Ben was wearing his glasses, because he is almost blind, but before you believe that remember he is also a pro football player, a scientist, a US Marine, and a variety of superheroes.  Yes, they indeed are just clear glass and when he takes them off, if he remembers, Helen Keller could be his guide.  He is most likely going to win an Oscar someday.  He is constantly in character, although with a plethora of personalities, it is more properly stated that THEY are always in character….meaning Ben.

But together the boys make quite a pair.  Scotty becoming a Marine has done nothing to indicate that perhaps he and Ben are not twins…..and any time together, particularly with an audience, verifies that they indeed are.

For Amanda and I however, it is ALWAYS fun.  We have just 9 more days with Scotty before he leaves, and we will all miss him, especially Ben.  After all, we all know how twins are.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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