I love you THIS MUCH DAD (for a cookie)…….

There are TWO significant points to make about this picture, one Ben is happy at dinner, despite being upset only minutes before, and two, Amanda has been cut out of the picture by request (directive).  But it is a great picture, isn’t it??

It’s hard to believe looking at him that he will probably end up doing hard time, either in prison or in Church….it is all often about the same.  But he is my son, and I will love him regardless!

Now he was mad a me a few minutes earlier for not allowing him to eat a second cookie before having ANY dinner at Wal-mart.  We were there to buy a sweeper for St. Patrick’s whose sweeper entered into the great beyond a few weeks ago.  My sweeper has been making the trip since that time (when I have remembered) and my memory has not been to the standard that it should be in terms of the floors there.  I bought a new sweeper.

The good news is that I not only was able to purchase a new sweeper for St. Patrick’s, but that we also were able to eat before heading home.  No, it was nowhere the evening we had planned, nor was it on our list of possibilities.  But sometimes God surprises you!  And in all honesty, I will take it!

We are home, and we are full.  Ben is now in bed, and the floor at St. Patrick’s still needs sweeping, but at least now there is a sweeper there!!

I would say that life does not get much better than this, but I certainly know it does!  I just thank God for a day that I feel ahead, and hope to make even more progress tomorrow!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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