Moron Central………

WHAT A MORON!!!  You would think with how long he has been denied a ride in a vehicle, that the very day I SNEAK him into one (my wife’s car – “Marine Mom One”) he would sit like more of a gentleman…..but NO……he sat like a total moron, and thus I had to post his shameful, shameful picture.

Sure, he was enjoying the ride, but in all honesty even I was embarrassed for him.  He is a SHOW DOG for God’s Sake, and he sat there panting, and undignified, just enjoying the heck out of being able to be in a car.  It was quite a sight.

But in all honesty, I was happy for him.  Scotty heads back Monday and I will reclaim my truck and Viper will reclaim his seat.  He will no longer sit as if he needs medication, and I will no longer look at him wondering how such an expensive show dog with such good lines could have so much wrong with him.  It will be a victory for us all!

But for now I just want to go to bed and forget this picture.  Times are changing and in another week this will be a distant memory… least I hope it will.  I am just glad this picture is not Amanda, Ben, Steph or Scott…..because at least I continue to hold out some hope for them!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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