Relationship counseling……..

Just about every night, right before bed, Ben and his cat (Puddy) get up in the chairs across from my desk and discuss their “problems” with me.  It turns out that there is never really an issue between Ben and his cat, as much as it is a STALLING for in inevitable bedtime.  It is however, entertaining.

What is hilarious however about the whole thing is that this cat is friendly to only a handful of people, but Ben is one of her favorites.  Our vet considers her one of the meanest cats in her practice, and before we stopped taking her in, she would howl and hiss and they would wear what looked like welding gloves to take her out of her carrier.  And she is just about 9 pounds!

Even the dog is afraid of her.  And when we travel Father PT often comes over to feed her and says she  hisses and is pretty mean.  Not a bad way to treat someone who feeds you!!  And if she ever dies, I think our insurance might go up, as she is far more effective than our alarm.

But despite all that, she and Ben have problems, and those problems often need to be discussed.  Amanda and I are just glad they are dealing with it.

After all, who wants something with that kind of personality and temper walking around without therapy??

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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