Forced into service(s)…….

Like his brother and sister before him, Ben has been called into ever wonderful world of the acolyte.  No, he will not just be any acolyte either, as Steph and Scott can share, they were my own personal acolyte for years…..something they all love at the start, but learn to tolerate down the line.

And today was Ben’s first big day in a robe.  He stood next to me and got corrected ONLY about 10,000 times, which was pretty good considering what I was expecting.  Both the boys are easily distracted, but Ben often can make Scotty look like the King of Focus.  So it was fun today, but it was also an adventure!!

And I wish that Steph could have been there because every time Ben got any kind of “advice” from me, I could see Scotty in the back row of the church laughing and smiling.  He remembers how it was, as Steph would too, and I know it was a real treat for him to see his little brother go through it too.  I should probably post pictures of all of them in that setting just to even the score.

But now Ben is well on his way.  And he loved it too.  We were very proud of him.  MY only real concern is that he said when he was in the car on the way there that he wanted to be the “Anglican priest.”  He had never even worn a robe, yet he wanted my job from the start.  Too funny, but too typical for a Tirman kid.

And as for my job, he can have it…………because what I really want to do is direct.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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