Navigating the paths of my life……

No, I am not having a mid-life crisis, but I am thinking more and more about focus.  I am not in a lull about my life or vocation, I just have a desire to sharpen both.  With that, I am considering restarting my other blog, which was called “Faith Works.”  Post-stroke, I intended for it to be somewhat of a running commentary on the Daily Office lessons as this blog, which was originally intended for the much more serious matters of the Church and World, evolved (yes, not a Church word) into more of a journal of my life.  To me both are important, and to both I feel called…..yet the witness of my life is that I currently only do one!

I have yet to decide, but I will take some time to do so.  I have many other things right now on my plate and I am just working hard to get them done.  Tomorrow and Friday I hope to make a BIG DENT in them, which has always fascinated me in that it seems to be the only place in the English language where the words “big dent” could mean anything good. But regardless of the stupidity of language, I intend to knock it out (whoops, another).

You see, my life is suddenly looking a bit more settled.  Scotty is back in California, Amanda has her car and is working everyday, Ben has school, and Steph, although she will have break, will not be home because she travels for lacrosse season with the team.  Okay, all that may not indicate really indicate being “settled,” but at least my environment is clear of most distractions.  Sure, we have a cat and a dog, but both sleep approximately 23.5 hours per day per mammal.  My environment is wide open with opportunity.

So tomorrow I will set sail for wherever it is I will end up, yet the trip will not be void of direction.  I have a lot to consider and a lot I want to accomplish!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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