No guarantees…….

I would like to say I am just forgetting, but I am not.  In fact, I am fighting one of the worst sinus infections I have had in years…….and all while I have been traveling.  My first dose (intended to fix it all) of antibiotics ended while I was with Steph and I was a LOT better, but somehow not feeling all that right. (My wife will tell you she feels that I am never quite right, but if we thought she had good judgement we probably wouldn’t be calling her MY wife) And on Saturday in the airport my head started hurting and I started to feel a bit warm.  My face and ears went a bit red again and yes, here on Tuesday I am still miserable.  I am trying to rest and taking meds and pushing fluids, all while thank God that I am not an old horse as I am sure someone would be walking me out to pasture with a shotgun.  But until I am at least able to get my senses back I cannot guarantee I can post or do much of anything.  I am now committed to resting between my bride’s reminders of how she felt I should have gone to the doc about six weeks ago when this started.  I however, being a guy and much smarter than her, was sure that it would just “run its course.”  But I do confess that for the very first time ever, she was right and I was wrong.  I am sure I will listen to her next time.

Probably about after 35 years of age your body just hurts occasionally in places and you kind of just accept it and get used to it.  Headaches, joint pain, achy muscles, iffy vision, and other things have just been part of my life as long as I can remember.  No big deal in my mind.  But I apparently can no longer get away with the philosophy of the black knight in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.”  This is clearly more than a flesh wound.

But I will do my best, as I believe I am my best when I am in my rhythm and this blog is a vital part of that.  Keep me however in your prayers as I have an unusually high tolerance for pain, yet this is kicking my butt.  In the end however, I will prevail.  After all our grass is started to grow, and Amanda has made it clear that she is not driving the tractor.

Enjoy this gratuitous picture of Ben meeting his grandpa’s dog “Olie.”

Have a great day my friends and God Bless!


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