So much for direction……..

Wow….what a moron!  It was this afternoon when I got a text from my wife asking about my blog.  It wasn’t up from yesterday, and she wondered why.

Of course I didn’t,  I just forgot, which is incredibly pathetic considering my post from the day before.  In my defense, I am not having a great, or even a day anywhere close to good today.  I am pretty stressed, my back is out and BAD.  My legs are on fire, but other than that, everything is just bunnies and flowers.  So NO…..with all that going on I didn’t need to see that I was missing big pieces of my regular day.

So here is my attempt to “eat crow,” which I don’t understand nor do I really want to.  But I can say I am a bit embarrassed by forgetting.  After all, there are only three of us living here right now and one of them goes to bed at 7!  It’s not like I had a ton going on.

But here it is anyway….my “catch-up!”   I can’t confess to there being much substance in it, nor can I lie by saying it is one of my best.  But I can say I remembered, and for me today that is the real deal!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


PS…..I won’t post who the picture is of, but go ahead and guess!  It is quite appropriate!! 

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