Causing some consternation, but who cares???

This blog entry will post automatically while I am driving home tonight from my meeting in Ohio.  As you know I left early to avoid the ice storm, and it all worked out quite well.  But with the extra time before my meeting (it starts at noon) I thought I would write it now and test the automatic posting feature that I believe I have used before, but I cannot remember.  What I need it an automatic WRITING feature.

But apparently my wife has caused some tension in our home.  As you know, Ben had her all to himself and they enjoyed a “Daddy is on a trip Slumber Party” together.  He was happy and confident. Movie time with mommy and she was his and his alone.

That’s why this picture is so cool.  Amanda drew it on our bathroom mirror and sent it to me this morning…….BUT when Captain “I have mommy all to myself” came in to brush his teeth he was more than put off……upset in fact.  And how upset you ask???  Well so upset that she had to get out the dry erase marker and write him a note for the day too.  The little lunatic tries to run the asylum!!  I know he is regretting knowing how to read at times!!

But the whole thing has made my day!  It is so much better than how she used to always encourage me to not be at home or how she used to yell “WALK TOWARD THE LIGHT” whenever I had even a cold.  Yes, we are making some progress!

And a big part of that is to get such a win with this picture!  On my way home!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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