
I am one of those people who never watched and episode of “Friends” or “Jerry Seinfeld,” but I did hear that the latter had an episode on nothing, which I suppose this just might qualify as.  I just worked today…..nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary.  I worked, we ate dinner, I wrote this riveting blog post, and then we went to bed (although as I am still writing this the “bed thing” has yet to happen).

And I know that this may surprise you, but some days the life of a priest is just not like a James Bond movie at all.  Sometimes in fact, it can be rather dull.  And Ben did nothing spectacular, nor did Amanda do anything funny I could exploit!  Ben did have his party for 100 days of school, and did insist that he was “graduating” today, but his teacher, Mrs. Scott, told him otherwise on the way home.  Lord I wish I were her.  She told him that and he said “okay,” but he has been arguing with me for weeks……but he is a Tirman, and the Moron gene is strong in us!

But the day is over and it has been innocuous to say the very least.  But it is central Indiana and it is winter.  (it really doesn’t matter what season it is here it is always laid back….but we just try to make people think it is “cutting-edge”)

So I will give thanks and call it a day!  Nothing happened, and more than that, nothing went wrong……I will take my victories where I find them!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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