Happy Belated One Old Buddy……..

I really blew it this time, but he really doesn’t see to care.  You see, yesterday someone asked me about how old Viper was and I realized we missed celebrating his 9th birthday on January 20th.  (Tonight’s picture is of him a bit younger and when he was still actively showing!)

What disappoints me in all of this is that we have been talking about it for months.  Not that we had a big party planned or an Alpo cake or anything like that……but whatever we could have done ON his birthday would have been far better than what we actually did……nothing!!

Of course even when his “owner” (Scotty) is home (he is in combat training in California), I have to remind him of the date too, so I am not the only one to forget.  I will however put it in my calendar tonight so as to never lose it again.  He will appreciate the doting I am sure.

But with today being what it has been (a pretty difficult day for me) I will just make this my only confession.  Confession is good for the soul, and it does make me feel good to get it out there.  And my penance has been to biscuit him up and allow him on the furniture.  He seems happy and I seem less guilty.  It works for both of us.

So Happy (Belated) Birthday Old Buddy! You are a real blessing to us all!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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