A hellish day……..

Yes, at the end of a day like today, I took Amanda and Ben to the restaurant in our neighborhood to get some dinner, as it is never really crowded and despite Amanda being sick, she didn’t feel too bad about being there.  NO, she did not want her picture posted (she is to the right of this one), but a day full of meds after an early doctor’s visit seem to have her at least visiting the land of the living.

And Ben was an angel all afternoon and evening, which leads me to believe that he is either very sympathetic to his mom being sick or I picked up the wrong child from school.  I am hoping it is the prior as I am not sure about how much paperwork and such I would have to fill out to straighten the latter out.  But regardless, it was an easy and quick way to feed them both and get them home.  Amanda and Ben both went right to bed.  And, with a good night’s rest, perhaps Amanda might even be able to work tomorrow for at least part of the day…..she is pretty bad.

And yes, as for me, I feel great.  It is a good thing too as I am in charge of dispensing meds, the chief cook (I clearly order out often), and room service for all the needy people who currently live here.  But I am glad to do it.

I feel for them when they are sick and Amanda really has a dose of it.  Let’s just pray Ben dodges this all……but if he doesn’t, I will still be available!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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