Let’s call this progress………

Well, for as much as it can be, we will call this progress.  My headache is still killing me, however, it IS getting better and not getting worse, and although I am certainly the wrong kind of doctor to make any type of diagnosis on this, I will say I believe it to be a good sign.

Of course such things do not make for riveting reading, but then again I believe that if you are a regular reader you 1) may have been sentenced by the courts to read this, 2) have some sort of sadistic streak, or 3) really understand the reasons that I write, as they have very little to do with amassing a following.  I will confess that I am amazed at how many people do read this, but without posting about the kids and my wife I suppose it would have all the relevance of Robinson Cursoe writing to himself on that remote island, particularly as he was a fictional character.  And although I am not fictional, (as my wife is disappointed by this fact every morning) I can say I find what I write about as alluring as waiting at the DMV.  (I would have said watching paint dry, but I am from Indiana, and that is something I enjoy)

All this is to say that I am back in the land of the living, and as I always find, it is ALWAYS still here waiting for me.  As a point in fact, in the middle of all this, Ben decided that he needed a chicken.  No, not on a plate, but a real, live, clucking, filthy chicken.  And, since chickens get lonely, we need more than one, and we needed to raise them from chicks.

So not wanting to be a disappointment as a father in the midst of my last chance, (since it bothers me that my wife wakes up crying every morning, and my other two kids just laugh when I say “move home”) I decided to give it a try and bought Ben 10 baby chickens.  Now Steph HATES chickens (for REAL, they are a major phobia of hers) and but Scott loves these kind.  My question is, do we have to their box from time to time to classify them as “free range?” (Yes, that is food and water in there with them……he is not right)

But this also is progress.  It got Ben to stop asking for chickens, and brought us all some peace.  And when you have a bad headache, peace is a valuable commodity.

Have a great day my friends and God Bless!


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