Working on her reading skills…….

Well apparently my idea has worked.  Steph said she sent some LU stickers in the mail on Friday, although they were sold out of the ones we wanted.  I am pretty sure that means we will not ever see them, as the LU Mom one they haven’t had for over a year.

But Steph did comment on the picture from yesterday, and did so obviously not have having read my blog.  She seemed a bit put off by the fact that she was staring off into space, but in all honesty, that is something that she really NEVER does whereas her brothers are two guys who are almost always looking somewhere else.  Of course one (Scotty) is living in a place where they will literally beat that out of him, but in almost 6 years with Ben, I am not sure that even the Marines can fix him.
But the nice part is that at least they all love each other and get along very well.  I am so very blessed by that, in that when the time comes to put me in the old folks home (sometime real soon I am sure they are thinking) at least they will not fight like my sisters Steph and Sarah and I did.  They wanted to do the responsible thing for her, whereas I just wanted revenge for the red white and blue 1970 Ford Pinto that I had to drive them around in.  They won of course.
But today is toast, and tomorrow I should receive whatever stickers Steph sent.  The additional money I sent is most likely already gone “incidentals” (yes, I am no dummy I went to college too….it was the best 7 years of my life!)  So I will just call it a day and head to bed.  It will be a big week, and I am hoping and praying I can get Steph to read my blog sometime at least this week for its content… yes….here is yet another cool picture of her!
Love ya darling!! 
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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