Ash Wednesday……

Although I intended to post this at the BEGINNING of the day, some days just get away from you, and now after a day that offered 5 Ash Wednesday services at all our locations, I am finally home and thinking about tomorrow…….

But Ash Wednesday is not an event that finishes anything….it is a start.  It begins the season of Lent and calls us to repentance, self-examination, and denial.  It turns our focus inward that our relationship with God Himself might be strengthened and that we might reflect that outwardly in the lives that we live.

So I suppose my blog is a later start than I hoped, but important nonetheless.  My hope and prayer for you is that you take this opportunity that begins on this day and make it a Lent to remember…one that truly changed you for the better.  There is never any better day than today or time than right now to move ahead.

What are you waiting for?  This is your time to make a change!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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