Da PRE-Valentine Dinner Meltdown……

Oh sure, yesterday I posted the “cool picture” from Valentine’s Day, but not this one…..this one was the one I sent to his mom and his siblings as he was, like many 5 year olds do, having a meltdown after I picked him up from school.  His teacher had told us that he had told her at the “Fancy Nancy Valentine’s Day Party” that it was the best day of his life.  He told me shortly after this picture that I had “ruined his life.”  Quite the contrast for just 5 short years, but then I suppose his pool of data is a bit smaller than mine.

But in all honesty I am used to it because 5 year olds are crazy……..and this is my third one.  AND, to make matters worse, this 5 year old makes the other two look SANE.  And although that is not saying a lot when we are talking about Stephanie, it certainly is when we are talking about Scotty.  Ben is all over the place, but not without a lot of thought about working you, or at least trying to.

As an example, today he scowled in three different stores as he wanted EVERYTHING, yet got nothing.  He told me a lot of times what I should be doing, and he even made sure I was told that I was not very nice.  Of course I wear that in front of him like a badge of honor, saying “it is not my job to be nice……I am the dad.  If I were nice I would be the mom!”  And then I laugh…..it only eggs him on!!

But I comfortable with my place.  Even Steph and Scott get it.  They know that I love them, and they know they can count on me……..but I am not their friend, I am their dad.  Oh sure, I can be “friendly,” but what I really am is their father.

So the meltdown came and went.  It was not my first rodeo with him or any of them…..but they all recover and he did splendidly.  I just wanted to share the Ben scowl…he’s like a little vulture and far more angry and serious than the other two ever were…….

But sadly for him…..he is every bit as effective…….meaning NOT…..  Luke BEN, I am your father!!  

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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