Guess who I heard from????

No, not Ben…..Lord knows I hear from him way too much, but I did answer the phone last night and we got to talk to SCOTTY, who is apparently still alive and well and in combat training with the US Marines, which is good since he is a US Marine.

But what is funny is that Scotty bought a new phone before he went back, and I know it’s pretty funny, but he thought he would get to use it occasionally.  But so far he has made only two very short calls home, and he still has a few weeks left at Camp Pendleton in California.  (And yes, this is a picture from his leave as I am not in California to take one in person!)

In the short time however I was able to get no solid answers as to where and when he is going to be in the near future at all.  He is supposed to go to North Carolina for school soon, but he may not go right away.  I know they get backed up and delayed, and I also know that a PFC controls his own life just about as much as most husbands do!  So basically, this means that I will probably know when I know and not before.  But I know he is doing what he has dreamed of doing, and I also know that Marines take care of their own (and usually the rest of what they run across too)… I am not worried.

It was just a blessing to hear his voice and to talk with him for a bit.  Ben got to talk with him too….they are brothers and miss each other terribly (and yes, I know this goes both ways)

So despite my not feeling too hot and not being able to talk too long, I was really blessed.  It would be far better to see him, but I will take what I can get.  He is a US Marine, and he is doing what he loves.  I respect him for both things, he makes me very proud!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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