The Sin of Omission and a big HECK YEAH!!

Conference Champions!!

As most of you who read this know, I was down in Florida last week to watch Steph and the then #10 Lindenwood Lions play Rollins and Florida Southern.  I left on Saturday, but they stayed and beat St. Leo on Sunday before returning home to Missouri.  Amanda (a green belt with blue tips) and Ben (a green belt) stayed home and clearly know how to defend themselves.  Plus, at 80 pounds, our dog Viper would be nothing to mess with if he happened to be awake…..but I digress.

And yes, I have been fighting a brutal battle with my head as well since well before I left for Florida Wednesday, April 2nd.  It has been killing me, and still is, but the meds help. and I am at least level.

What you don’t know is that we just got home from SPRING BREAK tonight.  And since I didn’t feel great, and since we had people coming in to take care of Viper and Puddy, I just didn’t want to advertise we were gone.  It is pretty darn safe here as we live in a town of just under 2000 people and have ample police, fire, and neighbor protection as well as things like alarms and such.  But as my wife’s grandma used to say, “you don’t borrow trouble.”  And we don’t.

I however am more spent than I have been in awhile.  I have been gone 12 days, have seen three lacrosse games in two states hundreds of miles from each other…….BUT I HAVE BIG NEWS!!

Sincethe Florida trip was such a success, the Lions are no longer #10…….they are now #5.  Pending no disasters, they should make it to the National Tournament in May, but will not know for certain until May 4th.  BUT this afternoon in Missouri they beat Regis and captured their third straight CONFERENCE TITLE (thus the grey shirts)  And there celebration picture posted tonight even included Ben.  He is in his element with all those girls and they love him.  It is fun to see for all of them.

But the #4 team lost to #2 and badly.  The Lions lost to the #2 team too, but only by two.  They may trade spots.  Three regular season games to go and then three more for Nationals.  This is it, and as a Senior her last chance.  But they appear to be ready.  They have heart, they have skill, and they a seeing the reality of what they can play up to.  It is exciting, even more exciting than that bed I am heading to.

But I promised the Jamie Miller I would post this picture tonight in this blog!  Congratulations Lions we are all so proud of you.  Each game is as important as them all.  Each game begins 0-0.  And when you believe, you can see incredible things happen.  I have seen it before.  And I a
m confident I will see it again.

It’s your ball, it’s your game, and it’s your championship.  Keep your sticks up, control the ball, and play your game…..because one champion t-shirt is pretty cool.  But I’ve gotta believe that two might feel even better.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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