On Sckoolin……..

I actually took about 5 or 6 pictures of this, which is a nightly ritual at our house.  Ben and Amanda have a little “homework” section in our house in which they do “homework.”  Imagine that.  And when there is no homework they do workbooks, which I know is an important part of “skoolin,”but as a Tirman male, even the word “homework” causes an allergic reaction.

And yes, Ben’s hair is in a “moo-hawk,” as it is “Spirit Week” at Lapel Elementary School (Bulldogs get your paws up!) and his mom did that for him.  Of course I am certain he would far more want her to do his homework and just muss up his hair himself, but she is an academic slave driver (as most scientists are) and only does the hair thing as a hobby and a mom.  His sister is actually ultimately responsible.  The “Moo-Hawk”(capitalized because I think she has it trademarked) is something that Steph started with him a few years ago.  And I think that that may be why Amanda came downstairs in the kitchen where I was pouring a coffee to tell me she had given him one, because when I saw him I would probably start looking for Steph.

But the homework is done now, and the moo-hawk is fading.  The day is done and everyone is just a little bit smarter than they started the day.

And I am too, though I had no personal instruction today.  In my experience, any day I steered clear of the principal (who was never my “pal”) was a day that I learned something.  Today was one of those days….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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