My daughter…….

Yes, the heck with everyone else…..this is a picture of ME and my daughter Stephanie today in West Virginia before she got on the team bus and headed back to Missouri.  We got to see her play in two games, one I posted about yesterday, and another today….both big wins.  They are currently undefeated, although none of these teams presented any significant challenge.

But I made a radical decision……take a picture with ME IN IT.  And although we are home and my hair will be cut in just a few minutes by my wife, I thought I would post this of Steph and me, my bad hair and all.  I have no regrets.

In fact, going to see her play was exactly why I gave up (I retired) from coaching high school women’s lacrosse.  You cannot be a high school Head Coach and take time off to travel to see your daughter play…..BUT I WANTED TO SEE HER.  So today I post the proof.

Thanks for the great weekend Steph, and although Amanda and Ben enjoyed seeing you, I want you to know I got the most out of it.  You are playing lacrosse at an extremely high level AND majoring in CHEMISTRY.   I can barely get out of bed in the morning and to even spell chemistry, I had to use spellcheck.   But thanks for being a great daughter!! You make me VERY PROUD!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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