What a goofball……..

Tonight I am writing this in Chicago, Illinois where I am attending the annual Anglican 1000 Conference in Wheaton, Illinois.  It is an annual gathering surrounding the planting of Anglican Churches in North America.  It is always a fruitful time and I was pleased that this year we were far closer to home.

But of course I have already been traveling too much over the past week.  Visiting Steph was great, in fact a lot better for me than work.  And now I find myself without my family, a bit lonely, and really wishing I was home.  Don’t get me wrong, I think it is important to be here, but the timing for me just makes it hard.  I was home for less than 9 hours.

While I am here though I am able to test out my first real trip with my iPad.  It seems odd to me that I have this cutting edge technology, as I am really much more than technologically challenged.  I am a technological moron.  But…….I was able to see a few things when I plugged it in to charge as apparently pictures taken on it automatically transfer to my computer.

So what you see is evidence of BEN getting a hold of my iPad and taking some pictures, and t be very honest, it was just what I needed.  I will be home in a few days, and everything will be fine, but tonight I am thankful for my goofball son who took about 10 pictures of his lap with my new iPad just for me.  Or at least that’s what I would like to think……but either way, it made my day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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