Chef Boy RD…….

WOW….I left the house tonight and forgot my cell phone and I have to confess that it was DELIGHTFUL.  I didn’t feel tied to it, I didn’t look at it, and I knew it was waiting for me back at home (which it was).  I had about an hour of total freedom.

And this capped off a great night.  I am VERY tired as I got home very late last night after a long travel day.  I didn’t get a nap, nor did I get ANY rest, but I did drop Ben off and pick him up from school and he and I made dinner for his mom yet again.  This time he made his very own cheese pizza and I have to admit it was very good.  He told me that tonight I could be the waiter, but I had none of it.  But we had a great meal (I did not eat the pizza but tasted it….it was delicious) and a great night.

So tonight’s picture is of what we in the culinary world call “the presentation.”  If Chef “LITERALLY BOY” RD, wasn’t such a goober, perhaps the whole thing would look a bit better, but he is what he is, and his mom was happy to oblige.  He is only 5, but he is learning and he does a pretty good job.

Of course I wish I could confess that his whole night went well, but he actually got sent to bed an hour early for being a bit of a snake.  He was not happy, but then again neither was his mom, and IF I have a choice in who I am to please in conflicts such as these, he is clearly going to be disappointed every time… he was tonight.

But he needs to sleep.  He has been sick and is on antibiotics.  Even with tubes, he has an ear infection. But that did not hold back his culinary masterpiece.  Chef Ben is now asleep and his mom has been fed his pizza of the heart.  You would think I could get some traction out of this, but I would not bet on me.

I am just happy to survive the day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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