Being pleased…….

Well among the many things I am pleased about today……I am back at bootcamp, there is a new Pope that I really like, and the snow is melting, I am also reminded that my youngest does love me, but he loves his mom more…….and yes, I am happy about that.

Tonight’s picture is from a couple of days ago.  He had a chair up against the wall in my office and wrote “I love you” (meaning his MOM) on it……then for some strange reason he also wrote “The factory of love.”  I am not sure what in the world that means, but I am pretty sure that whatever it is, I am not involved in it.  Any type of loving for a guy my age either requires my wife’s permission or my doctor’s.  In truth, it sounds like the title of a questionable movie, but all he watches as far as I know is “Ben 10” and “Transformers.”

But he thinks he is pretty cool, and I just let him go at it.  He is fun to watch and listen too and he is more full of bull than a cattle farm.  BUT he is my son, so I will keep him.  And although I was about to also say he is cheaper than cable, reality brought me to my senses.  He is however in a long-term contract with me and will be staying regardless the cost.

For now however he is downstairs with his mom and I am apparently not worthy enough to merit a visit.  Of course he goes to be in 15 more minutes and the closer we get to bedtime the more important I become!  (I am his regular delay for bedtime.)

But for now I will just be pleased with my day.  I am done and it is in the books as they say. But of course I do not say that……I was an athlete and books give me hives.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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