Taking a shot at making it…….

Yes, I know I have been a bit less than faithful about daily blogging, but it (my short absence) really indicates what I feel is a healthy pattern for myself in my life.  You see, I do not blog to get “hits” or a lot of viewers, I blog out of my need for structure and therapy “post-stroke.”  Oh sure, ORIGINALLY (before the stroke when I started this blog) I intended to be God’s gift to the unenlightened.  But fortunately for YOU…..I had a stroke and just blog about my super screwed up and boring life.

So to fill you in, TOMORROW begins HOLY WEEK and I have discover that this is very important as I am a PRIEST.  But I have been working day and night for over a week, with an ordination, Confirmations, traveling to Michigan to take the vows of the first WOMAN in our Order, and doing a very special project at St. Patrick’s Church (the Church that Amanda and Ben are members of (and technically Steph and Scott) that is not quite yet finished, but well on its way!

And as it always seems to happen, something ALWAYS happens about now.  Usually, in my many years of ministry, it is something like a funeral or tragedy of some other kind.  But THANK GOD that all that seems to be happening right now is a HUGE BLIZZARD coming our way.  Now of course when I say “huge blizzard” I mean anywhere from 6 to 10 inches of snow, but I ONLY say that to make the people here in the “deep south” (central Indiana) feel as if it is a major thing.  You want to help people along.  But as a kid in Mishawaka, Indiana (home of the Cavemen) the superintendent of our schools would go out in the morning with his cup of coffee and any snow less that 116 inches would require us to go to school.  School has only been cancelled once there in 1500 years.

But Holy Week is tomorrow and I am ready.  I will be in MUNCIE tomorrow for the 10:30 service and am looking forward to it.  It is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.  It is the first of many services I will be a part of over the next 8 days, but I am ready, and taking a shot at making them all. (Thanks Ben for the apropos picture tonight too)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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