In the Crucible……

(This picture is not related)

Our son Scotty is a US Marine, and the final part of bootcamp is what they call “The Crucible.”  It is a brutal test of everything that the recruits have trained for, and their final test before earning the title of US Marine.

Scotty of course passed that test, and has also completed combat training and is now at his MOS school in North Carolina.  I on the other hand am in the midst of my 1000th Crucible, as I am a priest and it is Holy Week.

I do not want you to get the wrong impression, as if I think it is some type of burden, because it is not.  Like Scotty’s Crucible, it is something you face and enter quite willingly and with a sense of anticipation.  As a priest the reliving of the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and the Crucifixion and Resurrection are very vital to just who it is that I am.

But I try to walk it with a sense of seriousness and certainly focus, but as I sat here in my office tonight typing this, I was interrupted by an email letting me know that PFC Scott T (for Thomas, he is named after me, and Ben is Benjamin Scott, named after him) Tirman has joined PINTEREST.  I wanted to die!

Now do not get me wrong, for I AM ON PINTEREST, but I do it to find recipes to make my fat butt thinner.  My son however, is a US Marine, and to be very honest this whole I have joined Pinterest thing has been a bit of a distraction to my focus.

Oh SURE, I know it can all be BLAMED on my WIFE AMANDA MAY (named after the month) TIRMAN, who is the reigning QUEEN of PINTEREST.   And I know this because we eat Pinterest, our house is decorated in Pinterest, and Amanda even performed an appendectomy on me this afternoon via Pinterest (using a butter knife and some yarn).

So in all honesty I do not blame Scotty.  He may just be sucking up.  But regardless, it is a distraction.  I will see my neurologist in the morning and I will share this.  I am sure focus meds are on their way.

Keep me in your prayers and Scotty too.  Only Amanda is rejoicing in this!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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