A Time For Change, Joy, and Wonder!

As I write this it is Friday night at about 10:30pm, and I am almost ready to call it a day. I find it funny to think that 10:30 is late these days (okay, now even 9:30pm sometimes seems late now) because I can remember being a teenager and often up at midnight wondering what was wrong with all the people who would go to bed so early. In college it got worse. My roommates and I would often head to Burger King at 1:00am so we would have something to eat in order to watch “Have Gun Will Travel” which was on long past when even vampires were in bed.

Times do change. Things that seemed to go by slowly now fly along. When did my kids get so big? How did my little daughter suddenly become a woman? And why does she have to drive? And do boys really have to come into the picture? What happened to my little boy who I used to pitch wiffle balls to, and who thought I was Superman? Did I just really outfit him with gear for high school lacrosse? And why when he wears a tie is he suddenly just handsome rather than cute? Thank God for their little brother, who I still can delusionally believe will stay small! But when did he really just turn 7 months old??? Dear Lord, time is flying and things are changing!

As I have aged (like fine wine) I have come to understand that time will always have its way with us, regardless of our desires to control it. And I know, because I have tried. What I have come to learn instead is that as I accept that time is really the Lord’s and He is in control of it all, I can enjoy my life all the more. And, I believe we all can!

Sure, I can worry about it all, but I don’t. I just relax and attempt to enjoy the ride. My daughter Stephanie is indeed a beautiful young woman and one day there will be a man in her life as thankful for her as I am for Amanda. And my son Scotty can take a turn being my Superman, and I can enjoy watching him become a young man. And Ben can get that wiffleball bat and meet me in the yard……I still have some balls to pitch.

You see, life just really cycles, and it is a wonderful gift from God. Change brings growth, but it also often brings things around again.

Tonight it is late, but tomorrow is a new day, full or opportunity and joy and wonder! I hope to enjoy it with a renewed spirit, fueled by a pretty big rest that I am heading to now.

My hope and prayer is that it is a wonderful day for you too!

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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