Thanks for the inspiration……..

This is perhaps the most bizarre Holy Week I have ever endured, and yes I am using the word endured as I thought a lot about it and it is sadly appropriated.  Our basement is a mess, the washer and dryer are no longer connected (not that I need to wear any clothes during Holy Week), and I logged about 300 miles yesterday during which I tried to clear my head the entire time……it is not working.

Oddly enough, in times like these I always turn to my sisters Stephanie and Sarah, God rest their souls.  Steph fought cancer for over 15 years before leaving this earth in 2001.  Sarah fought a much shorter battle but sadly with the same outcome,  She died in 2004.

I wasn’t with Sarah too much in her illness as she lived 10 hours away and we were older, but Sarah and I got to spend a lot of time with Steph, and I think we would both agree that she was the bravest person we had ever known.  Steph didn’t complain, she didn’t show fear, yet she was beaten up by cancer more than anyone I have ever seen.  But when you would visit with her, she was always concerned about you and your problems.

So she helps me a lot.  Every time things get rough, or even on fire, I think of her example.  SHE had problems, I just have stuff to sort through…..and really I shouldn’t complain.  Thanks Steph for helping me endure this, and a lot of other things too.

I miss both of them very much, and yet I will confess YES they are my sisters…….and it needs to be said, yes, I do wonder if they are paying someone off up there to give me a hard time even more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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